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Our members are industry and community leaders who are eagerly bringing forth clean technology solutions to transform transportation.

Membership Benefits

Achieve your organization's clean transportation goals through exclusive access to tools and resources that support political advocacy, project development, networking, and business promotion.

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Networking & Business Promotion

Connecting you to your client base and industry partners

All Members
  • Present directly to CTE Staff
  • Event discounts and exclusive invitations
  • Right of first refusal for sponsorship and speaking opportunities
  • Brand exposure via social media and email marketing
  • Access to zero-emission industry tools, resources, and updates
Leadership Circle Exclusive
  • Increased brand exposure on our website and social media platforms
  • Right of first refusal for webinar series
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Working on your behalf to amplify the zero-emission industry’s collective voice

All Members
  • Representation in DC and Sacramento
  • Meetings with Congressional Members & Staffers
  • Timely legislative activity notifications
  • Advocacy and support letter opportunities
  • Access to policy position papers and statements
  • Receive CTE Policy Newsletter with quarterly updates
Leadership Circle Exclusive
  • Seat on CTE’s Policy Advisory Council 
  • Exclusive invitations to policy-focused meetings
  • Input into CTE’s Legislative Agenda
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Funding & Project Resources

Providing you access to market opportunities

All Members
  • Access to a hub of federal, state, and local funding opportunities in the Member Portal
  • Assistance assembling qualified project teams
  • Preferential partnership consideration for project opportunities
  • Exclusive access to Grant Writing as a Service
  • Expertise and guidance from CTE’s engineering team
Leadership Circle Exclusive
  • Priority access to opportunities and resources
  • Priority access to Grant Writing Retainer Program

Leading Industry Networking Events

Membership offers exclusive event invitations, discounts, and priority access to sponsorships and speaking opportunities, ensuring you're at the forefront of industry gatherings and expanding your network.

Two professionals talking at an event
Group of professionals lean over a phone looking at something interesting on the screen. Three professionals talking with charger in foreground
BAE systems logo

“At BAE Systems, our goal is to get our customers to zero emissions, providing a range of electric power and propulsion solutions to help commercial vehicle operators and transit agencies reach their environmental goals. CTE is an important part of that journey, and shares our vision for advancing sustainable transportation. From brand awareness and advocacy work, to beneficial networking resources, we value the collaboration with CTE that helps us deliver clean technology to improve communities where we live, work, and visit.”

Carol Gorenflo
Comms Business Partner, BAE