white icon multiple busses in a row

Transition Planning

CTE has unrivaled in-house knowledge of zero-emission vehicles, which we use to help organizations implement strategic plans and minimize the costs associated with full fleet electrification.

low view looking up at blue transit bus with roof and cables seen

Our Approach

CTE’s Transition Planning services are designed to help fleets make informed decisions about transitioning to zero-emission. We provide objective and unbiased analysis to help fleets select the right zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), develop a cost-effective transition timeline based on their current fleet management plan, and meet their environmental goals.

front view of a transit bus with the word "electric" on the side is parked at a garage. bus yard with numerous bright green transit busses parked all facing one direction
RCTC logo with blue circle and light blue triangle

"I am very pleased CTE was chosen to help Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) develop our roadmap for transitioning all bus operations to zero-emission. CTE's analysis was superb and the staff extremely thoughtful and professional.  

CTE’s methodology and approach helped the transit operators in our county think beyond their geographical boundaries reconsider ways to save expenses. This has significantly assisted us and our local partners in financially planning for the future. We now have a roadmap to meet the ICT rule that coordinates all of our regional resources. I am very excited to have had such a well-versed team assisting Riverside County!"

Eric DeHate
Transit Manager - Multimodal Department, Riverside County Transportation Commission

Transition Planning Services

CTE provides the following services for transition planning projects:
Route & Technology Analysis
Fleet Procurement and Transition Analysis
Infrastructure Assessment
Total Cost of Ownership Analysis
ZEB Transition Roadmap
red electric transit bus with white and orange flowers on the side decal parked with door openpurple and black articulated transit bus parked in a large bus garage

Transition Planning Project Spotlights

MT San Diego logo
ATL Link logo

CTE Spearheads the Shift to Zero-Emission Buses: Collaborations Driving Sustainable Mobility

Leveraging its ZEB Transition Planning Methodology, CTE guided the creation of San Diego Metropolitan Transit System’s (MTS) ZEB transition plan. This collaborative effort paved the way for MTS to develop a roadmap to transition their entire fleet of over 700 diesel and CNG buses to zero-emission vehicles by 2040, marking a significant step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality in the region.

Key activities undertaken by CTE included conducting a ZEB market analysis, collecting essential data, assessing energy requirements through modeling and simulation, defining necessary facility upgrades, and developing a transition timeline and cost/benefit model.

The culmination of CTE’s efforts was the approval of the final study and associated recommendations by the MTS Board of Directors in September 2020, followed by the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) approval in December 2020. In 2023, MTS added its first electric Rapid service in San Diego’s South Bay. The service operates 12 battery electric buses, representing a significant step towards MTS's goal of transitioning to an all-zero-emissions bus fleet by 2040.

MT San Diego transit bus outside garage with multiple red white busses parked
MTS Board approved Transition Plan to convert 750 diesel-fueled buses to zero-emission by 2040
Transition will cut the agency’s GHG emissions by approximately 43% over 19 years

Paving the Way for Cleaner Transportation: CTE's Role in Advancing Zero-Emission Bus Transitions

CTE partnered with the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) and a consortium of professional services firms to develop zero-emission bus (ZEB) transition plans for six of ATL's partner transit agencies: Ride Gwinnett, CATS, COBB, Xpress, Henry County, and Connect Douglas. The project assessed the feasibility of replacing diesel vehicles with battery-electric buses (BEBs) and fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs) by analyzing the agencies' budgets, fleets, routes, depots, operating policies, and existing charging infrastructure.

These efforts provided the foundation for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, and advancing sustainable public transportation across the Atlanta region.

six georgia transit logos for ATL Link project partners