How far can a fuel cell delivery van travel? Recent tests yield promising results

April 20, 2021

CTE is currently working with United Parcel Service (UPS), Unique Electric Solutions (UES), Cummins, and the University of Texas, Austin - Center for Electromechanics (UT-CEM) to develop a cutting-edge hydrogen fuel cell electric delivery van. After an extensive development and prototype phase, validation testing has demonstrated that a fully-loaded van can travel 169 miles. This is a promising finding for potential range extension capabilities of fuel cell electric vehicles.

As a whole, the project aims to address range and reliability concerns for clean medium-duty vehicles. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, and sponsored by the California Air Resources Board, the California Climate Investments program, and the Southern California Air Quality Management District. CTE has provided overarching project management and technical expertise throughout the process.

Phase I of the project began with repowering a decommissioned Class-6, walk-in, medium-duty UPS delivery van with a prototype fuel cell electric drive system. UES worked to combine the fuel cell and battery electric components and integrate them into the repurposed vehicle. UT-CEM took a hands-on approach to system development by providing extensive testing and validation of the system functionality. Using findings from prototype testing, the project team made adjustments and improvements to the drive system components and vehicle system. The result? A lighter, more efficient Phase II vehicle.

During a year of testing in both northern and southern California, the van produced results exceeding initial range estimates. "The range demonstrated by the van indicates that this van repower is capable of meeting the range requirements of over 97% of UPS' commercial routes," commented Erik Brewer, CTE project manager.
The added range above 125-miles increases the commercial viability of fuel cell electric propulsion systems as fleets look for zero-emission alternatives.
increase could result in huge savings for operators with fleets of delivery vehicles. The drive system's use of idling efficiency technology can also reduce costs, since vans are constantly starting and stopping on their routes; unchecked idling can cause big losses in efficiency.

Phase II now proceeds with a more extensive demonstration of 15 total repurposed, repowered, delivery vans operating for two years in the Ontario, California area. The project team is also wrapping up an audit of the UPS Ontario maintenance facility, which will result in upgrades for the safe maintenance and operation of the new repowered delivery vans. UPS has provided the vehicles and maintenance facility for project testing.

There are still challenges ahead that must be addressed before the next-generation of fuel cell delivery vans will hit the road. "Since this is an aftermarket repower and not a new ground-up design, there is a limited regulatory framework in place for getting these vehicles approved for regular on-road use," said Mr. Brewer. As development and production of these vehicles continue, regulations and approval processes will need to adapt to what has always been a rapidly changing field. Another hurdle has been a lack of publicly accessible hydrogen refueling stations, which poses challenges for supporting larger fleets.

CTE looks forward to continuing to achieve exciting milestones on this project. "Overall, we are really excited about this project and the successful demonstration of hydrogen fuel cells for this application," said Jason Hanlin, Director of Technology Development at CTE. "We look forward to working with our project partners to pave the path forward for clean, sustainable transportation for medium-duty vehicles."