CTE Welcomes Peter DeFazio to Policy Board

April 17, 2023


April 18, 2023


Kate Mason

(615) 419-5185

[email protected]

The Center for Transportation and the Environment Welcomes Peter DeFazio to Policy Board

CTE Executive Director, Daniel J. Raudebaugh, is excited to announce the addition of the Honorable Peter DeFazio as the newest member of the CTE Policy Board.

CTE's Policy Board is focused on strengthening CTE's advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, CA. Congressman DeFazio's decades of service in Congress will be invaluable in guiding CTE through the unprecedented levels of transportation and infrastructure policy activity taking place at national, state, and local levels.

"CTE has worked closely with Mr. DeFazio for the past 25 years. We have supported the Congressman on critical zero-emission legislation, including the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Congressman's signature proposal, INVEST in America Act. We are extremely proud to add his unmatched passion and expertise to our Policy Board and are excited to have such a pioneer in zero-emission transportation policy actively supporting CTE's mission," said Raudebaugh.

"I am very excited to take on this new role. I can think of no better use of my time and experience than to help CTE achieve its vision of a carbon-free transportation system in the US. Of all the non-profit organizations that have mobilized to help support policies to fight climate change, I am particularly impressed by CTE. CTE is the national leader in helping fleets transition to zero-emission transportation technologies and has been doing the hard work in the field for 30 years. I am pleased to have the opportunity to be a part of what Dan and his team are accomplishing," said Congressman DeFazio.

As Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation  & Infrastructure (T &I), Congressman DeFazio oversaw all aspects of the nation's infrastructure network including highways and transit, water resources, railroads, aviation, the US Coast Guard, and economic development. Congressman DeFazio served as a member of the House T & I Committee since he first entered Congress in 1987. During his tenure on the Committee, he served as Chairman or Ranking Member of four of the six subcommittees: Aviation, Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, Highways and Transit, and Water Resources and Environment.

"We are honored to have Congressman DeFazio join our policy board. His consistent national leadership and advocacy for a decarbonized, more climate-friendly, and equitable transportation system will add even more momentum to CTE's policy agenda and programs serving every corner of the United States," said John D. Porcari, CTE Policy Board Chair.

As a member of the Policy Board, Congressman DeFazio will support the implementation of CTE's legislative agenda. This agenda is developed each year by CTE's federal affairs representative, Suzanne Sullivan, and her team at Sullivan Strategies, working closely with CTE Leadership Circle members to establish CTE's legislative priorities.\Mr. DeFazio received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Tufts University and a Master of Arts in gerontology from the University of Oregon. Mr. DeFazio also served in the Air Force Reserves from 1967 - 1971.

Mr. DeFazio received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Tufts University and a Master of Arts in gerontology from the University of Oregon. Mr. DeFazio also served in the Air Force Reserves from 1967 - 1971.


The Center for Transportation and the Environment is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to improve the health of our climate and communities by bringing people together to develop and commercialize clean, efficient, and sustainable transportation technologies. CTE collaborates with federal, state, and local governments, fleets, and vehicle technology manufacturers to complete our mission.