Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Arrives in Austin

May 11, 2012

CTE Team delivers zero emission bus for use in Capital Metro's daily transit service.

Austin, TX - The Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) and project team announced delivery of a Proterra fuel cell powered bus to Austin, TX. The bus, which was previously operated in Columbia, SC in 2010, will join Capital Metro's fleet and be operated in daily transit service. The Proterra fuel cell bus is unique in that it was purpose built from the ground up as a zero emission bus, unlike most fuel cell buses, which are retrofitted using a standard diesel bus chassis. The Proterra bus is on the forefront of advanced transportation technology, with plug---in rechargeable batteries, a hydrogen fuel cell system and an efficient all electric drivetrain, allowing it to have water vapor as the only emission.

"Transit, by its nature, is part of the country's solution to long---term environmental sustainability, and Capital Metro is thrilled to participate in this cutting edge research that could result in cleaner bus technology being more widely available and affordable. We are looking forward to testing the bus along Austin's streets over the next year," stated Linda S. Watson, Capital Metro President/CEO.

The Austin operation represents Phase II of this project supported through the National Fuel Cell Bus Program (NFCBP). The NFCBP is managed by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to assist in the commercialization of fuel cell bus technologies. Located in Greenville, SC, Proterra is an American bus manufacturer specializing in zero emission buses. Hydrogenics Corporation developed the fuel cell modules for the bus and Altairnano provided the advanced lithium batteries. Signature Transportation Parts and Service will assist with bus maintenance and operator training. Gas Technology Institute is responsible for upgrading the fueling station in Austin, and the University of Texas - Center for Electromechanics is responsible for data collection and analysis. When the Austin demonstration is complete, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory will analyze all of the final performance data and prepare an overall performance evaluation.

"Austin has long been a pioneer in advancing clean energy and will be a great place to showcase Proterra's zero emission fuel cell bus in regular transit service. The project team is excited to have the bus delivered to Austin, and is looking to quickly integrate the bus into Capital Metro's fleet," said Erik Bigelow, CTE's Project Manager. A ribbon---cutting event will be held in the coming months.

About CTE

The Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization based in Atlanta, Georgia that develops technologies and implements solutions to achieve energy and environmental sustainability. Since its founding in 1993, CTE has managed a portfolio of more than $225 million in federal, state, and local cost--- shared research, development, and demonstration projects involving more than 250 organizations in the advanced transportation technology field. CTE has facilitated and leveraged funding for its projects and initiatives from the U.S. Departments of Defense, Energy, Interior, and Transportation, as well as from the U.S. Army and NASA, among many others.

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