CTE Partners with 18 Transit Agencies on FY2021 Low-No Projects

June 28, 2021

Atlanta, GA - The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) recently announced grant recipients for the FY2021 Low or No Emission Vehicle Program (Low-No), including 18 awards that include the Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) as a project partner. Out of the $182 million allocated for this year's Low-No program, the agencies that CTE supported were awarded more than $72 million for the deployment of zero-emission buses and fueling infrastructure. Together, these awards account for 40% of the total program amount for this fiscal year.

CTE partnered with the following transit agencies on winning FY2021 Low-No Awards:

  • Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority
  • Broome County (NY)
  • Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority
  • Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET)
  • Chicago Transit Authority
  • City of Fayetteville (NC)
  • City of Fort Collins (CO)
  • City of Lawrence / Lawrence Transit
  • Connecticut Department of Transportation
  • Delaware Transit Corporation
  • Golden Empire Transit District
  • Hawaii Department of Transportation
  • Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
  • Metro Transit (Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN)
  • Missoula Urban Transportation District
  • New Mexico Department of Transportation
  • Salem Area Mass Transit District
  • Utah Transit Authority

CTE works with transit agencies across the country to provide proposal support, project management, and technical assistance services for zero-emission bus planning and deployment projects. Each year, CTE staff advise transit agencies on effective strategies for developing Low-No grant applications. Once awarded, CTE then guides the projects using a proven methodology that is designed to mitigate risk and ensure successful zero-emission bus deployments.

"Working with project partners to successfully get zero-emission vehicles on the road is at the heart of our mission," said Steve Clermont, CTE's Director of Planning and Deployment. "We are proud to be supporting more zero-emission bus planning and deployment projects than any other organization in the country, and we look forward to broadening our impact thanks to this year's Low-No grant awards."

The Low-No program is instrumental in helping transit agencies obtain the necessary funding for launching or expanding their zero-emission fleets. Since the program's inception, CTE has helped develop 70 winning proposals; transit agencies that chose to partner with CTE have received over $215 million for procuring and deploying battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell buses.

For more information on the Low or No Emission Vehicle Program, visit: www.transit.dot.gov/funding/grants/lowno



The Center for Transportation and the Environment is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to improve the health of our climate and communities by bringing people together to develop and commercialize clean, efficient, and sustainable transportation technologies. CTE collaborates with federal, state, and local governments, fleets, and vehicle technology manufacturers to complete our mission.


Chloe Durham
[email protected]

Learn more about CTE's involvement with the Low-No Program